Bold lighting is donating N95 masks...

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Bold lighting is donating N95 masks to help protect frontline hospital workers as the coronavirus overloads US hospitals...
Bold team turning their efforts towards creating a 3D printable face mask design.
At Bold Lighting we are committed to our core values and are trying to do our share of social responsibility in this critical period. With health workers nationwide running low on masks and other protective gear, we have been working closely with our international partners to secure PPE for medical staff and care givers in the most affected areas. Bold Lighting has already shipped 150 N95 face masks to Lenox Hill Hospital in New York and will be also shortly shipping another 100 masks to a hospital in Albany, Georgia.
N95 respirators are disposable, close-fitting masks that can keep virus-laden droplets away from the wearer’s mouth and nose.
In Parallel, the Bold R&D team is turning their efforts towards creating a 3D printable face mask design, that when combined with readily available material from hardware stores, would offer reusable protection for medical staff and the general public. Bold Lighting will be posting the 3D Model (.STL format) along with the detailed assembly manual on an open-source platform for anyone to download it for free.

Bold lighting is donating N95 masks...


Maximum allowed voltage drop is 3V